Report: Transporting the Relief Supplies to Miyagi (2)

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Relief supplies at the disaster area

Assortment and arrangement
for delivery of the supplies

Assortment and arrangement
for delivery of the supplies

Here are the photographs and reports about the 3 days, March 26 – March 28, provided by the three transport staffs.

The three staffs left the JFD Tokyo Office at noon, March 26, stopped at a service station to fill up on the way to Miyagi, and arrived safely at the earthquake-hit area, Sendai, at 18:00. Then they brought the relief supplies to the Miyagi Regional Headquarters. In the evening, they helped the assortment and arrangement for delivery of the relief supplies.

On 27th March, they also helped the assortment of the supplies almost all day, and transported them until 18:00. Unfortunately, they could not deliver these relief supplies to each victim directly because they had no time.

The three staffs came back to Tokyo safely on 28th March.

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