Message of the Chief of Central Headquarters for Disaster Relief

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Message of the Chief of Central Headquarters for Disaster Relief
Praying for the Full Recovery of Our Beautiful Country
— Several Months after the Great East Japan Earthquake —

Fujisaburo Ishino

Several months have passed since the Great East Japan Earthquake, one of the most terrible disasters ever, struck our country. We would like to express our deepest sympathy to all the persons who are suffering from this catastrophe. The huge quake churned up a devastating tsunami and led to an ongoing nuclear emergency. The loss and the destruction are far beyond description.

When we visited affected areas in three prefectures (Miyagi, Iwate, and Fukushima), we were horrified to see in an utter amazement that the beautiful scenery and cities in Tohoku were completely destroyed and swept away. Victims let us know about their experience and their situation, and told us that they were suffering from a serious shortage even of the cost for living. We sincerely hope that they can regain their life before 3.11 as soon as possible.

We, the Central Headquarters for Disaster Relief for Deaf People in the Great East Japan Earthquake, cooperating with many other partner organizations, are making our best efforts to support the deaf victims by gathering and providing information, transporting relief supplies, sending experts of mental healthcare to affected areas. All the people, including the young ones, are helping each other to overcome the crisis. That reminds us of the significance of strong human relationships. Your generous donations would be highly appreciated, since the amount is still far from sufficient for what the victims need.

Extensive supports will be absolutely indispensable over a considerable period of time. We sincerely ask for your kind understanding and contribution to our continuous progress towards the full recovery.

We are all one. Never give up!

Fujisaburo Ishino
Chief of Central Headquarters for Disaster Relief for Deaf People
in the Great East Japan Earthquake

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