- インクルーシブ教育に関するWFD方針説明書
- WFDウェビナー「インクルーシブ教育」(2021年1月開催)
- WFDウェビナー「インクルーシブな雇用に向けた道のり」(2021年6月開催)
- 次回の「WFD会議」に登録する
- 武力紛争におけるろう者の保護と安全のためのガイドライン
- WFDウェビナー「災害時のろう者の権利:人道支援とろう者」(2021年12月開催)
- グローバル・リーダーズ・チャレンジ
- ブルーライト・チャレンジ
- 交差性に関するWFDの声明
- WFDウェビナー「交差性:多様なろうコミュニティについて学ぶ」(2021年12月開催)
- WFDの個人会員になって、活動を支援しよう
- 国や地域の協会の会員になって、積極的に活動したり行動に参加するなどして支援しよう。
- 「WFDキャンパス(WFD Campus)」で学ぼう(WFD会員向けeラーニングプラットフォームを2022年6月より開始する予定です)。
【引用文献】”ウエル‐ビーイング【well-being】”, デジタル大辞泉, JapanKnowledge, , (参照 2022-04-18)
Celebrate the International Week of Deaf People 2022!
The International Week of Deaf People (IWDP) is an initiative of the World Federation of the Deaf (WFD) and was first launched in 1958 in Rome, Italy. It is celebrated annually by global deaf communities during the last full week of September to commemorate the same month the first World Congress of the WFD was held.
The International Week of Deaf People is celebrated through various activities by Deaf Communities all around the world. These activities and events welcome the participation of all members of deaf communities, which include families of deaf people, professional and accredited sign language interpreters, peers, as well as the involvement of various stakeholders such as national governments, national and international human rights organisations, and Organisations of Persons with Disabilities.
The theme of the 2022 International Week of Deaf People is:
“Building Inclusive Communities for All”
The theme of the 2022 International Day of Sign Languages is:
“Sign Language Unite Us!”
Find more information, as well as the official International Sign version of the themes on our webpage:
Daily Themes
As part of our celebration, we will have daily themes during the 2022 International Week of Deaf People.
Monday 19 September 2022 – Sign Languages in Education
Acquisition of sign language from birth from fluent sign language models is critical to the cognitive and social development of deaf children. A strong language foundation is necessary to learn other languages. As many deaf children are born into families who are not yet fluent in their national sign languages, services must be in place to provide sign language learning and support to families so that they can learn and use their national sign languages.
Resources for your information and advocacy:
Tuesday 20 September 2022 – Sustainable economic opportunities for deaf people
As of 2011, the International Labour Organisation (ILO) states that approximately 80% of persons with disabilities, including deaf people, are of working age. Reports we have from around the world show underemployment and unemployment is high within deaf communities. Accessing a fair and inclusive labour market with equal working conditions and salary as their peers without disabilities is a step toward deaf peoples’ inclusion in their communities and more equal societies.
Resources for your information and advocacy:
Wednesday 21 September 2022 – Health for All
Full access to health-related information and services is a basic precondition for the enjoyment of our most fundamental rights. Yet, deaf people face barriers, stigmatisation and discrimination when accessing health and health-related information, services and strategies. Accessible information on health needs and health care in the national sign languages is still needed. The Covid-19 pandemic has highlighted the dire predicament of deaf people in accessing life-saving health information and services. It brings the consequence that deaf people are often left behind in equally accessing quality healthcare in their national sign languages. National governments have a responsibility to provide accessible health-related information and services in the national sign language for everyone, including deaf people.
Resources for your information and advocacy:
- Statement on the right of deaf people to equal treatment in the context of the Global Covid-19 pandemic
- WFD-WASLI Joint Statement on Access to Health Services & Interpreter Occupational Health During the Coronavirus
Thursday 22 September 2022 – Safeguarding deaf people in times of crisis
The past year has shown us new needs and new ways of guaranteeing the well-being of deaf people in situations of crisis. Under the circumstance of different crises, including infectious diseases, climate change, natural disasters, and armed conflicts, deaf people all over the world experience language deprivation, socioeconomic disadvantages, and audism. Today, we emphasise the importance of securing and maintaining the human rights of all deaf people during the different, multiple, and overlapping crises we face today.
Resources for your information and advocacy:
- Register for the next WFD Congress
- Guideline for the protection and safety of deaf people in armed conflicts
- WFD Webinar “Deaf Rights During Disasters: Humanitarian Action and Deaf People” (December 2021)
Friday 23 September 2022 – Sign Languages Unite Us!
On this International Day of Sign Languages, we celebrate our collective efforts- deaf communities, governments, and civil society representatives- to recognize and promote the different national sign languages around the world. Together we sign onto a declaration of support for sign languages as an essential human right for deaf people, and sign for human rights!
Resources for your information and advocacy:
- Global Leaders Challenge
- Blue light Challenge
Saturday 24 September 2022 – Intersectional Deaf Communities
Deaf communities are diverse, intersectional communities. Today, we celebrate our richly diverse deaf communities and the many ways of living and being in the world that our diverse deaf communities share. Among these identities are gender, age, sexuality, linguistic preferences, ethnicity, socio-economic background, disability, and religion. Governments and deaf communities must recognize and promote the intersectional nature of deaf communities within services, projects, and advocacy work. Deaf communities and deaf organisations must be inclusive of all deaf peoples in their countries. Together, we can build strong communities respectful and inclusive of all deaf people.
Resources for your information and advocacy:
- WFD Statement on Intersectionality
- WFD Webinar “Intersectionality: Learning About our Diverse Deaf Communities” (December 2021)
Sunday 25 September 2022 – Deaf Leadership for Tomorrow
For more than a century, deaf communities around the world have organised into representative associations to advance their human rights. These organisations need funding, capacity building, and empowerment to carry out the principle of “Nothing About Us Without Us”. Today, support your local, national and international organisations of deaf people!
Resources for your information and advocacy:
- Support the WFD work by becoming an individual member.
- Support your national and local associations by becoming a member, taking an active part in their work or participating in their actions.
- Learn via WFD Campus (Our e-learning platform will be launched in June 2022 for our members)