






1. 国連加盟国が条約の起草作業を完了し、2006年及び2007年に開催される第61回国連総会での採択を可能にすることを奨励し、


2. 各加盟国が障害者の人権の実現を容易にするための国際協力に関する条項、特に発展途上国も条約の義務を果せるように適切な支援を促す条項を採択することを強く勧める。この場合の適切な手段とは:

(a) 国際開発プログラムを含む、各国際協力計画には障害者も含まれ、障害者にとってアクセス可能であることを保障する。

(b) 情報、経験、研修プログラム、良い前例の交換と共有などを含む能力開発を促進し、支援する。

(c) 科学的及び技術的知識の研究及びアクセスにおける協力体制を促進する。

(d) 適切と思われる技術的、経済的援助を提供する。これにはアクセシブルな支援技術へのアクセスと共有化を促進すること、技術の移転などが含まれる[i]

3. すべての加盟国の開発援助計画及びその他の国際協力には、適切な形で障害が含まれ、特にこれら計画を作成する段階及び開発援助の要請を作成する際に障害者団体に相談することを強く要望する。


4. 次を保障するよう加盟国に呼びかける。

(a) 条約[ii]に「障害」の定義を明記する際には、必ず社会モデルのアプローチを反映するものであること。

(b) 条約には「合理的配慮」の定義を必ず明記する。その際、「不釣合いな負担」と言う表現は使わず、「過度の困難」と言う表現を使用する(なぜならば、障害者の権利のための合理的配慮を「負担」と呼ぶのは不適切である)。

(c) 条約には、経済的、社会的、及び文化的権利の質に関する最近の国際法学の考え方が反省されること。

(d) 条約には、女性や少女の権利及びこれらの人々が特に受け易い権利侵害を明確に反映する条項を設け、社会によっては、伝統的な女性の評価や役割により、障害を持つ女性を人間として十分に評価しない場合もあることを認めるべきである。

(e) 条約には、障害をもつ子どもの権利及びこれらの子どもが特に受け易い権利侵害を明確に反映する条項を設けるべきである。

(f) 条約は、自然およびその他の災害または緊急時において、障害者の権利を保障する必要性について特記する必要がある。

(g) 条約には、この条約が保障する権利の侵害が起きた場合、権利が侵害された人は、国の法律によって、適切な救済が行われることを保障する条項がなければならない。



5. 条約草案の第33条において、条約の国内レベルでの実施及びモニタリングの第一責任者が国の機関であることを確認していることを歓迎し、

6. 条約の基に生じる国の責任が効果的に果たされるよう、障害に関する国内行動計画の採択に関する条項を設けるよう、加盟国に提案し、

7. 加盟国が、国内レベルでの条約の実施に際し、人権擁護の分野において豊富な経験を有する国の人権機関が果たす役割を認識し、これらの機関の活動において、障害問題を優先的に取り上げることを奨励する。

8. 条約のモニタリングと実施に際して、障害者と障害者の組織の参加を促進することを加盟国に奨励する。

9. 加盟国は、障害者の平等を保障するための総合的な法制度と政策アプローチを採択または促進することを視野に入れて、既存の法律、政策、計画を見直す作業を開始または継続することを強く勧める。とりわけ障害を理由にした差別を禁止する法律の採択と障害者の雇用及びその他の機会の拡大を特に進める。


10. 加盟国には、次のことを呼びかける:

(a) 条約のための効果的な国際モニタリング制度を採択[iii]すること。

(b) 本条約のために設けられるいかなるモニタリング制度も、その全プロセスにおいて障害者及び障害者組織の効果的な参加を保障すること。

(c) 本条約のモニタリング制度はこれまでの国際レベルの良い前例を参考にし、他の制度との不適切な重複を避け、既存の制度との調和を保障すること。

(d) やがて、すべての条約のモニタリング機関が統合された場合、その統合機関には障害者の参加が十分あり、障害に関連する専門性が十分に保障された場合のみ、本条約のモニタリング機能も、その機関に移す。




(a) これには、「障害者の機会均等化に関する基準規則」や「アジア太平洋障害者のための、インクルーシブで、バリアフリーな、且つ権利に基づく社会に向けた行動のためのびわこミレニアム・フレームワーク」など、これまで政府が採択した文書による義務と、新しい条約による義務の関連性に関する研究を含む。

(b) 当地域の加盟国が条約を批准し、実施するに必要な手順を取れるよう、適切な手段を用いてその能力を高め、政府間の情報と経験の交換を奨励する。


(d) 条約の批准の必要性を訴え、その効果的な実施を監視できるよう、民間団体の能力を開発する。

(e) 政府、司法機関、国内人権機関、その他民間機関が条約の義務と実施に関連するリソースを蓄える。


[i] これらのサブ・パラグラフは条約の草案の第32条から取ったものである。草案は下記で見ることができる:

[ii] アドホックでは、「障害」及び{障害者}の定義を条約に含むかどうかに関する結論に達していないことが確認され、本ワークショップ参加者の中にも、「障害」の定義を明記することは望ましくないと考える人もいた。

[iii] 本ワークショップの一部の参加者は、「採択する」と言う言葉を「採択を検討する」にすべきであると言う意見であった。


UNESCAP Workshop on Regional Follow-up to the Seventh Session and Preparation for the Eighth Session of the Ad Hoc Committee of the General Assembly on the Elaboration of a Convention on the Rights and Dignity of Persons with Disabilities
Bangkok, 20-21 July 2006


(Adopted on 21 July 2006)
We the participants, representing Governments, disabled people's organizations (DPOs), National Human Rights Institutions (NHRIs), non-governmental organizations (NGOs), UN specialized agencies, and civil society from the Asia-Pacific region, meeting in Bangkok, Thailand, from 20 to 21 July 2006 at the UN ESCAP Workshop on Regional Follow-up to the Seventh Session and Preparation for the Eighth Session of the Ad Hoc Committee of the General Assembly on the elaboration of a Convention on the Rights and Dignity of Persons with Disabilities:



1. Encourage member States to complete their work on the drafting of the Convention in order to enable its adoption by the General Assembly during its 61st session in 2006 and 2007,


2. Urge member States to adopt a provision on international cooperation which will be conducive for the realization of the human rights of persons with disabilities and, in particular, assistingdeveloping States in appropriate ways to fulfill their obligations under the Convention. Appropriate measures might include:

(a) Ensuring that international cooperation, including international development programmes, are inclusive of, and accessible to, persons with disabilities;

(b) Facilitating and supporting capacity-building, including through the exchange and sharing of information, experiences, training programmes and best practices;

(c) Facilitating cooperation in research and access to scientific and technical knowledge; and

(d) Providing, as appropriate, technical and economic assistance, including by facilitating access to and sharing of accessible and assistive technologies, and through the transfer of technologies[i],

3. Urge all member States to ensure that disability is included in development assistance programs and other forms of international cooperation as appropriate and, in particular, consult with disabled people's organizations in the design of programs and in the formulation of requests for development assistance,


4. Call on member States to ensure:

(a) that any definition of "disability" included in the Convention[ii] should reflect a social model approach;

(b) that the Conventionincludes a definition of "reasonable accommodation" which uses the term "undue hardship" rather than "disproportionate burden" (since reasonable accommodation of the rights of persons with disabilities is inappropriately described as a "burden");

(c) that the Convention reflects current international human rights jurisprudence regarding the nature of economic, social and cultural rights;

(d) that the Convention contains provisions which specifically reflect the rights of women and girls with disabilities and the particular violations to which they are subject, and which recognize that in some societies traditional views of the value and role of women mean that women with disability are devalued as human beings;

(e) that the Convention contains provisions which specifically reflect the rights of children with disabilities and the particular violations to which they are subject,

(f) that the Convention refers specifically to the need to ensure the rights of persons with disabilities in situations of natural or other disasters and emergencies; and

(g) that the Convention contains a provision to ensure that where there is a violation of a right guaranteed under the Convention, the person whose right has been violated will be entitled to an appropriate remedy under national law,


National level implementation and monitoring

5. Welcome the recognition in draft article 33 of the Convention of the primary role of national agencies and institutions in the implementation and monitoring of the Convention at the national level,

6. Suggest that member States consider the inclusion in the Convention of a reference to adoption of a National Action Plan on Disability as a means of giving effect to their obligations under the Convention,

7. Encourage member States to recognize the role that National Human Rights Institutions may play in the implementation of the Convention at the national level, in light of their extensive experience with the promotion of human rights in that context, and to urge those institutions to make disability a priority for action,

8. Encourage member States to promote the participation of persons with disabilities and their organizations in the process of monitoring and implementation of the Convention

9. Urge member States to commence or continue the progress of reviewing existing law, policies and programs, with a view to adopting or enhancing a comprehensive legislative and policy approach to ensuring equality for persons with disability, in particular the adoption of legislation prohibiting discrimination on the basis of disability and promoting employment and other opportunities for persons with disability,

International monitoring

10. Call on member States to:

(a) adopt[iii] an effective international monitoring procedure for the Convention;

(b) ensure that any monitoring procedure established under the Convention should provide for effective participation by persons with disabilities and their organizations in all aspects of that procedure;

(c) ensure that the monitoring procedures under the Convention draw on the best practices available at the international level, avoid undue duplication with other procedures, and are coordinated with existing procedures;

(d) ensure that, if a unified standing treaty body is eventually established, the functions of the monitoring body under this Convention shall be transferred to that body only if there are sufficient guarantees of the participation of persons with disabilities in the work of such a body, and if the representation of expertise in disability and human rights on that body is guaranteed,


11. Encourage the UN System including the UN ESCAP, member States, National Human Rights Institutions (as well as the Asia-Pacific Forum of National Human Rights Institutions), civil society organizations, in particular DPOs and academic institutions, to identify the particular needs for capacity-building (including the need to translate the Convention as soon as possible into the national languages and make it available in accessible formats) that will arise with the adoption of the Convention,

12. Request the UN ESCAP, in collaboration with other partners, to initiate a program of work in preparation for the adoption of the Convention which will

(a) include a study of how the commitments adopted by Governments under documents such as the Standard Rules on the Equalization of Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities and the Biwako Millennium Framework for Action towards an Inclusive, Barrier-free and Rights-based Society relate to the obligations contained in the new Convention;

(b) as appropriate, enhance the capacity of all the States in the region to assess the steps that they need to take in order to ratify and implement the Convention, and encourage in this regard the sharing of experience between Governments,

(c) ensure that the position of persons with disabilities in situations of risk is fully taken into account, particularly in the context of natural or other disasters and emergencies, to which the Asia-Pacific region is particularly vulnerable;

(d) develop the capacity of civil society organizations to argue for the ratification of the Convention and monitor its effective implementation; and

(e) develop resources for Governments, judicial institutions, national human rights institutions and other civil society institutions in relation to the obligations under and implementation of the Convention.


[i] These sub-paragraphs were derived from draft Article 32 of the "Working Text: International Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities," available at http://www.un.org/esa/socdev/enable/rights/ahc7ann2rep.htm

[ii] Participants noted that conclusion on the inclusion of article on definition of "disability" or "disabled persons" were not reached yet at the Ad Hoc Committee; some participants considered that it was not desirable to include a definition of "disability" in the Convention..

[iii] Some participants in the Workshop proposed replacing the word "adopt" with the phrase "consider adoption of."

最終更新 2006年8月4日
財団法人 全日本聾唖連盟
