

国連総会で「障害者権利条約」を採択 ー 国際障害コーカス(IDC)のプレス発表




IDCは全世界における70の国際的、地域的あるいは国レベルの障害者の団体からなる同盟であり、今まで 条約の交渉に積極的にかかわってきたが、各国政府に対し、障害者が生活のすべての面で平等に扱われることを確保するために、この条約を批准し、国内法、政策、法制として実施することを要請する。既存の差別禁止法は強化されなくてはならず、また新しい法律が機会と結果の平等を保障するために制定されなくてはならない。障害者の法的、文化的権利を完全に認めるために、各国政府がこの条約を批准し、実施することを確保するべく、現在でも継続的な努力が必要である。

全世界で、障害者はすでに社会に数え切れない貢献をしているが、地域社会に完全に参加できるようになれば、さらに貢献することができるだろう。市民社会の積極的、かつ高い評価をうけた参画、特に障害者およびかれらを代表する団体が条約の渉のプロセスに参加したことは、国連内での主要な人権に関する法律文書へのアプローチのあり方として画期的な前進であると考えられている。インターネットを通じた、また、対面での世界的な障害者の協力(障害者コミュニティ内、および政府等との協力)は以下のモットーを達成するための重要な鍵であった。”Nothing about us without us”「私たちのことは、私たちで」。

一般的な情報に関しては Maria Reina 1 (703) 346-9287にご照会ください。または、 IDC のホームページを見てください。http://groups.yahoo.com/group/AdHoc_IDC. インタビューをご希望の場合は、以下のスピーカーリストを参考にしてください。


Celia Brown. MindFreedom UN Delegation Chair
Email: Cksean@aol.com Cell 1 (718) 354-6131
Areas of expertise: alternatives, policy development and human rights of people with psychosocial disabilities.

Sylvia Caras. People Who
Email: Sylvia.Caras@gmail.com Tel. 1 (831) 426-5335
Areas of Expertise: Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)

Marcia Dugan. The International Federation of Hard of Hearing People (IFHOH)
Email: mdugan@eznet.net
Areas of Expertise:hearing loss, assistive technology, support groups.

Michael Fox. RI - Rights and Inclusion
Email: accessaustralia@ozemail.com.au
Areas of expertise: accessibility, assistive technology

Lex Grandia. World Federation of the Deaf Blind.
Email: lex.grandia@mail.dk
Areas of expertise: human rights of people with deafblindness

Chris Hansen. World Network of Users and Survivors of Psychiatry (WNUSP),
Email: itschrishansen@gmail.com Cell (603) 3988730
Areas of expertise: human rights of people with psychosocial disabilities.

Venus M. Ilagan. Chairperson, Disabled Peoples' International,
Email: bbc701@surfshop.net.ph Tel. 632-411-9655 (O) 632-412-0506 (H)
Areas of expertise: cross-disability concerns, developing countries, children with disabilities

Markku Jokinen. World Federation of the Deaf (WFD) President
Email: Majokine@edu.jyu.fi
Areas of expertise: Deaf community

Liisa Kauppinen. WDF representative in the GA. WFD President Emerita
Email: liisa.kauppinen@netti.fi
Areas of Expertise: Deaf Community

MiJoo, Kim. Representitive Women With Disabilities Arts & Cultural Network Korea
Email: Kim_mijoo@yahoo.com Tel +82-2-823-8331 Fax +82-2-823-8360
Cell +82-11-746-2196
Areas of expertise: women with disabilities issues

Myra Kovary. UN Representative of MindFreedom Support Coalition International
Email address: mmk29@cornell.edu
Areas of Expertise: human rights of persons with psychosocial/mental disabilities

Tomas Lagerwall. RI - Rights and Inclusion
Email: sg@riglobal.org +1 (212) 420-1500 ext 206
Areas of expertise: habilitation and rehabilitation, accessibility, international cooperation, assistive technology.

Tina Minkowitz. World Network of Users and Survivors of Psychiatry Chairperson
Member of 2004 Working Group of the Ad Hoc Committee
Member of IDC steering committee
Email: tminkowitz@earthlink.net Cell 1 (646) 873-0224
Areas of expertise: Legal capacity, liberty, integrity, supported decision-making, issues of concern to people with psychosocial disabilities

Dr. Linda D. Misek-Falkoff (Ph.D., J.D.). Internetizen ARPANet forward. WSIS and IGF onsite participant. National Disability Party, International Disability Party Steering Committee - for Coordination of Singular Organization on Disabilities. *Respectful Interfaces* Program of the Communications Coordination Committee for the United Nations: Achieving Dialogue While Cherishing Diversity CCC/UN Secretary and Member of the Board. Communications Coordinator, World Democracy Movement. Persons with Pain International.
Email: ldmisekfalkoff@gmail.comCell 1 (914) 844-5711.
Areas of Expertise: Humanities, computing / Internet, law.

Kicki Nordstrom. World Blind Union (WBU) Immediate Past President Chair, WBU Working Group on UN Issues
E-mail: kino@iris.se Tel: +46 (0)8 399 000 Fax: +46 (0)8 725 99 20
Cell: +46 (0)70 766 18 19
Areas of Expertise: Education, Communication, issue of people with blindness.

Jan Peter Stromgren. IFHOH
Email: Jan.Peter.Stromgren@fs.hrf.se
Areas of Expertise:hearing loss, assistive technology, support groups.

Disability Community Celebrates the Adoption of
new UN Treaty on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

(United Nations, 13 December 2006) The IDC (International Disability Caucus) celebrates and welcomes the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, which was adopted by the UN General Assembly on December 13 after five years of negotiations.

The Convention will bring people with disabilities from the isolation produced by discrimination to full and equal inclusion and participation in all social and political aspects of life. This first human rights treaty of the century is the only international legal instrument dedicated to the rights of persons with disabilities. It marks a paradigm shift towards respecting persons with disabilities as individuals with human rights.

The IDC, a coalition of 70 international, regional and national organizations of people with disabilities and allies around the world that have been actively engaged in the negotiations, urges Governments to ratify and implement the Convention into national laws, policies and legal structures, to ensure that persons with disabilities are treated equally in all aspects of life. Existing non-discrimination laws must be strengthened and new ones enacted to guarantee equality of opportunity and outcomes. A sustained effort is now needed to ensure that governments ratify and implement the Treaty and fully recognize the legal and cultural rights of persons with disabilities.

Around the world, persons with disabilities are contributing to society in countless ways, and could contribute even more if fully included in the community. The active and appreciated involvement of civil society, especially persons with disabilities and their representative organizations, in the negotiations process is widely considered a monumental advance in how major human rights instruments are approached within the UN. The collaborationof persons with disabilities worldwide - both within the disability community and with governments and others - through online networks and in person has been a key element of achieving the motto: "Nothing about us, without us."

For general information, contact Maria Reina 1 (703) 346-9287 or visit the IDC website at: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/AdHoc_IDC. For interviews, please consult the speaker list in attachment

IDC members who can speak about the IDC, the Convention process, and their own areas of expertise:

Celia Brown. MindFreedom UN Delegation Chair
Email: Cksean@aol.com Cell 1 (718) 354-6131
Areas of expertise: alternatives, policy development and human rights of people with psychosocial disabilities.

Sylvia Caras. People Who
Email: Sylvia.Caras@gmail.com Tel. 1 (831) 426-5335
Areas of Expertise: Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)

Marcia Dugan. The International Federation of Hard of Hearing People (IFHOH)
Email: mdugan@eznet.net
Areas of Expertise:hearing loss, assistive technology, support groups.

Michael Fox. RI - Rights and Inclusion
Email: accessaustralia@ozemail.com.au
Areas of expertise: accessibility, assistive technology

Lex Grandia. World Federation of the Deaf Blind.
Email: lex.grandia@mail.dk
Areas of expertise: human rights of people with deafblindness

Chris Hansen. World Network of Users and Survivors of Psychiatry (WNUSP),
Email: itschrishansen@gmail.com Cell (603) 3988730
Areas of expertise: human rights of people with psychosocial disabilities.

Venus M. Ilagan. Chairperson, Disabled Peoples' International,
Email: bbc701@surfshop.net.ph Tel. 632-411-9655 (O) 632-412-0506 (H)
Areas of expertise: cross-disability concerns, developing countries, children with disabilities

Markku Jokinen. World Federation of the Deaf (WFD) President
Email: Majokine@edu.jyu.fi
Areas of expertise: Deaf community

Liisa Kauppinen. WDF representative in the GA. WFD President Emerita
Email: liisa.kauppinen@netti.fi
Areas of Expertise: Deaf Community

MiJoo, Kim. Representitive Women With Disabilities Arts & Cultural Network Korea
Email: Kim_mijoo@yahoo.com Tel +82-2-823-8331 Fax +82-2-823-8360
Cell +82-11-746-2196
Areas of expertise: women with disabilities issues

Myra Kovary. UN Representative of MindFreedom Support Coalition International
Email address: mmk29@cornell.edu
Areas of Expertise: human rights of persons with psychosocial/mental disabilities

Tomas Lagerwall. RI - Rights and Inclusion
Email: sg@riglobal.org +1 (212) 420-1500 ext 206
Areas of expertise: habilitation and rehabilitation, accessibility, international cooperation, assistive technology.

Tina Minkowitz. World Network of Users and Survivors of Psychiatry Chairperson
Member of 2004 Working Group of the Ad Hoc Committee
Member of IDC steering committee
Email: tminkowitz@earthlink.net Cell 1 (646) 873-0224
Areas of expertise: Legal capacity, liberty, integrity, supported decision-making, issues of concern to people with psychosocial disabilities

Dr. Linda D. Misek-Falkoff (Ph.D., J.D.). Internetizen ARPANet forward. WSIS and IGF onsite participant. National Disability Party, International Disability Party Steering Committee - for Coordination of Singular Organization on Disabilities. *Respectful Interfaces* Program of the Communications Coordination Committee for the United Nations: Achieving Dialogue While Cherishing Diversity CCC/UN Secretary and Member of the Board. Communications Coordinator, World Democracy Movement. Persons with Pain International.
Email: ldmisekfalkoff@gmail.comCell 1 (914) 844-5711.
Areas of Expertise: Humanities, computing / Internet, law.

Kicki Nordstrom. World Blind Union (WBU) Immediate Past President Chair, WBU Working Group on UN Issues
E-mail: kino@iris.se Tel: +46 (0)8 399 000 Fax: +46 (0)8 725 99 20
Cell: +46 (0)70 766 18 19
Areas of Expertise: Education, Communication, issue of people with blindness.

Jan Peter Stromgren. IFHOH
Email: Jan.Peter.Stromgren@fs.hrf.se
Areas of Expertise:hearing loss, assistive technology, support groups.

掲載日 2006年12月16日
財団法人 全日本聾唖連盟
