- 国連障害者の権利条約の政府による批准と実施を促進するために共に活動し、その結果としてろう者が他の市民と平等の基準であらゆる人権を完全に享受することを確保する義務を負う。
- 団結したグループとして活動すること。先進国は途上国と強いパートナーシップをもちながら活動しなければならない。
- 広義のろう文化における人々や文化の多様性について、ろうコミュニティを教育し、感性を高める方策をとらなければならない。
- ジェンダーの平等のためのプログラムや女性の完全な発展とエンパワメントを保障するための政策を促進し、ろう女性に対する暴力や虐待と闘うための方策をとらなければならない。
- 手話および文化的伝統を保存、促進、保護する責任をもつとともに、固有の手話を含むあらゆる手話のエンパワメントのための言語政策を作成する責務を負う。
- 学校および教育関係者と深い協力関係をもち、ろう児が多言語・多文化教育を受ける権利を促進し、すべてのろう児、ろう者のいる家族、CODAの子供たちが健全なアイデンティティを育むための教育(training)プログラムを実施する責任を有する。
- 手話による教育において、人工内耳、およびその他の補聴支援テクノロジーを利用している子供たちの権利も保護しなければならない。
- ろう者の生活に影響を与えるあらゆる分野の専門職において、ろうの専門家の雇用を認める責任を有する。
- 適切な研修プログラムの開発を促進し、手話通訳者の資質を高め、通訳者との協力に関するWFDの原則に従わなければならない。
- 新しい製品やサービスの技術的な改革を伴うユニバーサルデザインの継続的活用の原則を取り入れる。
- 人権の原則に基づいたろう者の生命倫理上の懸念、優先事項、医療上のケアに関する声明を作成しなくてはならない。
- ろうの青年に対し、メンターシップ〔mentorship 個人支援〕制度や積極的なリーダーシップのプログラムを作成し、彼らを政治的な意思決定やその実施に参与させる義務を有する。
- ろう者の経済的なエンパワメントを通じ、雇用と自立生活 (self-sufficiency)を促進する責任を有する。
- すべてのろう者の精神保健に対する平等なアクセスを促進する責任を有する。
WFD およびその正会員によって開発されるプログラムおよび行動は、すべてのろう者を考慮しなくてはならない。先進国および開発途上国における教育は、失業、貧困、不健康、自立困難などをもたらすような、更なる不利益を排除するために、特別な注意を払わなくてはならない。
16-22 July 2007, Madrid, Spain
The World Federation of the Deaf (WFD), its Members and the participants at the 15th World Congress of the World Federation of the Deaf in Madrid, Spain, 16-22 July 2007,
Reaffirming that deaf people are entitled to the same human rights as all social groups and that diversity is an intrinsic factor in the Deaf Community,
Recognising the importance of children and youth; deafblind; deaf with disabilities; immigrants; Indigenous peoples; Lesbians, Gays, Transgenders and Bisexuals; people in rural areas; religious minorities; senior citizens; and all deaf people as citizens of society with the same rights and obligations as other citizens,
Emphasising that by adopting positive actions, equality among all will be accelerated,
Emphasising that sign language is a human right for all members of the Deaf Community, including those who use assistive devices and implants,
Reaffirming that multi-lingual education in sign language gives deaf and hard of hearing people the best opportunity to achieve full citizenship and enjoyment of all human rights,
Have agreed that WFD and its Members:
- Have an obligation to work together to promote government ratification and implementation of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities thus assuring deaf people full attainment of all human rights on an equal basis with other citizens.
- Must work together as a collective group, and those from developed countries must work in close partnership with those from developing countries.
- Must adopt measures to educate and to sensitise the Deaf Community about the diverse variety of peoples and cultures within the larger Deaf culture.
- Must promote gender-equality programmes and policies to ensure the full development and empowerment of women, and adopt measures that combat violence and abuse against deaf women.
- Have responsibility to preserve, promote and protect sign languages and cultural heritages; and to formulate language policies to empower sign language, including indigenous sign languages.
- Have obligation to co-operate closely with schools and educational authorities to promote deaf children’s right to receive a multi-lingual/multi-cultural education and to implement training programmes to develop healthy identities for all deaf children, their families and CODA children.
- Should also protect the rights of children with cochlear implants and other sensory modification technologies to an education in sign language.
- Are responsible to sanction the employment of Deaf professionals in all fields that have an impact on the lives of Deaf people.
- Must promote the development of appropriate training programmes and qualifications for sign language interpreters, and follow WFD principles of co-operation with interpreters.
- Must incorporate the principles of consistent application of universal design with technological innovations of new products and services.
- Must formulate a statement of Deaf bioethics concerns and priorities, and quality medical and surgical care for deaf people, based on human rights principles.
- Have obligation to establish mentorship and positive leadership programmes for deaf youth, and involve them actively in political decision-making and implementation.
- Have responsibility to promote employment and self-sufficiency through Deaf economic empowerment.
- Are responsible to promote equal access to mental health services for all deaf people.
Programmes and actions developed by WFD and its OMs must take account of all deaf people. Special attention should be given to education in both developed and developing countries in order to eliminate any further disadvantage, which brings as a consequence unemployment, poverty, poor health and the lack of self-determination.
Education for deaf people, especially in developing countries, must be an initiative of Deaf persons from that country in order to include and impart their native sign language(s) and culture.The linguistic and cultural rights of deaf immigrants must be respected as well as assistance provided in learning the language and culture of their new country.
Sign language interpreters are a fundamental resource in achieving human rights and full access. The term sign language interpreter is a concept inclusive not only of hearing sign language interpreters but also Deaf sign language interpreters and interpreter guides for deafblind people.
Technology and e-learning offer access to information, are vital for structured and informal learning and promote independency. The principles of universal design will ensure full communication access and fulfilment of deaf persons´ human rights.
Equal and appropriate access to mental health services, through sign language and Deaf culture and by the provisioning of Deaf professional staff, is a basic human right of deaf people.
In reference to the growing demographic of an aging population, attention must be given to programmes and services for deaf senior citizens.
Sign languages serve as vital instruments to transmit culture and knowledge. The status and recognition of sign languages around the world will be strengthened through language policies, research and the preservation of and the teaching of sign languages. Sign languages should be a part of all national curricula.
The World Federation of the Deaf (WFD), its Membersand the participants at the 15th World Congress of the World Federation of the Deaf agree to promote and implement this Congress Resolution to all governments and authorities, demanding respect for the realisation of HUMAN RIGHTS THROUGH SIGN LANGUAGES
第15回WFD世界ろう者会議 決議