

国連総会で「障害者権利条約」を採択 ー 国際障害コーカス(IDC)による発言:









なによりも私たちは、障害者の権利と参加が当たり前のこととして考えられる社会を待ち望み、その目標を達成するためにやるべき課題に期待しています。”Nothing about us without us”「私たちのことは、私たちで」。


Statement on the Adoption of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
International Disability Caucus

Espanol - MS Word

The International Disability Caucus, representing over 70 international, regional and national disabled people’s organizations and allied non-governmental organizations, is pleased and gratified to welcome the adoption of this historic Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. For five years, the disability community has worked together with governments to articulate the rights of persons with disabilities, as a new interpretation and application of existing human rights and fundamental freedoms. Because we have shared our lives, all participants have learned about the human rights violations experienced by people with disabilities and how best to remedy them to create a more just and inclusive world.

The Convention process as well as its content have combined seemingly disparate elements to create a whole that is more than the sum of its parts, as is fitting for the first human rights treaty of the twenty-first century. We have combined a non-discrimination approach to human rights with a comprehensive approach, deriving the best of both. We have brought elements of social development to a human rights convention, ensuring that development will be inclusive and rights-protective, and that there will be opportunities for international cooperation. We have created a Convention that can hold value for all people with disabilities, irrespective of the type of disability, language or geographical location. This would not have been possible without the cooperation among governments and civil society, including the historic Working Group that produced the first official draft of the Convention, and that included civil society participation together with governments and national human rights institutions.

The same cooperation that we achieved in the Ad Hoc Committee must continue as we move beyond the adoption of the Convention. The Convention represents a commitment to transform our societies so that people with disabilities will have equal rights and opportunities with others. This commitment recognizes both the intrinsic worth and value of every human being, and the value to society of the increased participation of all its members. The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities reaffirms core human rights principles, in particular the need for social solidarity to fulfill individual human rights, and the importance of respect for individual rights and freedoms in creating a vibrant and just society.

The International Disability Caucus wishes to thank the States that participated in the Ad Hoc Committee for their support to the process, for their engagement and open-mindedness in learning about issues or approaches that were previously unfamiliar. We thank Ambassador MacKay for bringing this Convention to a successful conclusion, and thank Ambassador Gallegos for his initial chairing that brought us through the early stages and for promoting active civil society participation. We thank the Members of the Bureau and the Secretariat for their hard work and for ensuring an open and participatory process on the part of all concerned, including efforts to make the process accessible by removing physical barriers and producing materials in accessible formats. We thank the United Nations for the accessibility seminar on December 4, and look forward to working together to improve access throughout the United Nations. We also thank the Special Rapporteur on Disability for her contributions and support to the convention process.

The Convention represents a paradigm shift that will have a substantial impact on the lives of millions of people with disabilities throughout the world. We are especially gratified that this paradigm shift was underlined by deletion of the footnote to Article 12, since the right to enjoy legal capacity on an equal basis in all aspects, including the capacity to act, is fundamental to basic equality and participation in all aspects of life.

The International Disability Caucus is pleased that women with disabilities have a basis for programmatic focus on gender-related issues and multiple discrimination based on both gender and disability; and that there are specific obligations tailoring the Convention to children with disabilities. We are pleased that indigenous people with disabilities were recognized and expect that implementation of the Convention will include indigenous people with disabilities and indigenous communities.

It must also be acknowledged that people whose disabilities are “invisible” or not readily apparent have a claim on the Convention, bearing in mind the inclusive and evolving concept of disability.

The International Disability Caucus looks forward to a large number of countries signing and ratifying the Convention and Optional Protocol, to accelerate the process of making our rights a reality. We anticipate the active participation by organizations of people with disabilities in the implementation at all levels, and that the requirements for consultation will be embraced as an opportunity to learn and work together, as they were in the Ad Hoc Committee. We look forward to a treaty monitoring committee that will be composed of highly qualified experts with disabilities, that will give valuable guidance to States Parties; and to the Conference of States Parties that will be a forum for international cooperation on matters related to implementation of the Convention, in which we expect to participate.

Most of all, we look forward to a society in which the rights and participation of people with disabilities are taken for granted, and to the work that will be necessary to achieve that goal. Nothing About Us Without Us!

掲載日 2007年1月25日
財団法人 全日本聾唖連盟
