
















WHOが指定する専門担当官(Designated Technical Officer, DTO)がWHOとNGOとの間のパイプ役であるため、参加団体にはこのDTOとさらに協力し、作業を進めるよううながされた。



WBU President's Office
Kicki Nordstrom
January 2002

Meeting with WHO secretariat
addressing NGO:s in official relations

The Director-General Ms. Gro Harlem Bruntland has invited NGO:s with official relations with WHO, to discuss the agenda of the upcoming meeting which is the 109th Executive Board of WHO.

WHO Executive Board meets twice a year and try very hard to meet the interests of NGO:s in official relations.

The Executive Board starts its meeting the 14 of January with a morning and an afternoon session and a morning session on Saturday the 19th. On Monday the 21 will be a morning and an afternoon session before the closing of the Executive Board.

The Agenda contained nine paragraphs with sub-points, all together 35 items.

When going through the agenda, we could find that there were no item directly related to disability. However items as poverty, AIDS, Tuberculosis, Malaria, food safety, childhood nutrition, Smallpox eradication, violence and health, were among the interesting items. Of course there were items on financial matters and plans, reports and management matters as usual on agendas like this.

After the presentation of the agenda the floor was open for comments.

Very few people wanted to make comments on the agenda although it would have been at least 50 NGO representatives present in the room. After a while the question came up whether all items on the agenda should be open for the NGO:s? The answer was that just a very few items will be closed and those should be dealing with elections and Awards.

Kicki raised the question on, how far the Disability Policy has come, which WHO has worked on for years now. The answer was that it has been dealt with a couple of weeks ago, in the Cabinet. The second question was if the Executive board would invite, NGO:s in the disability field to be part of the discussion before the policy will be put on the agenda for the Executive Board ? The answer was that it is the intention to include NGO:s in the disability field to allow them to make comments before the Policy will be on the agenda for the Executive Board.

Kicki also raised the question on the new CBR program, which is under production of WHO. Will NGO:s be consulted, will the issue be a target for the Executive Board and when? The answer was that the responsible person was not present at this meeting, but a promise was given to forward the question to the person in charge and all the Disability organisations with official relations, will be informed.

Many other questions came up concerning the mental health, their organisations and status within WHO. No representative of World Network of Users and Survivors of Psychiatry WNUSP were represented but rather other organisations.

A report of a new structure of how the work between the Civil Society and the UN and its Agency could be formed in the future, was given. The concept is to widen the structure of NGO:s and include other actors in the civil society, like community bastes organisations, business organisations and others.

The work is an initiative of WHO and has just started. Only NGO:s with official relations, will be included at this stage. The work must be seen in the levels of international and regional work. Today there are about 190 NGO:s with official relations with WHO, and about 300 NGOs have informal relations with WHO, i.e. they work with WHO departments without being formally accredited. This means that less than half of all NGOs working with WHO in one way or another, have official relations with WHO. Noone knows how many NGOs have relations with the WHO regional offices. With this work WHO wants, in collaboration with other UN Agencies, renew the relations between them and the NGO:s. Communication strategies must be find, such e-mails and well working web pages.

All participants were asked to work closer with their respective WHO Designated Technical Officer, DTO, who is the main contact person for all contacts between WHO and NGO:s.

The meeting was adjourned.

Kicki Nordstrom


最終更新 2002年8月3日
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