



トーマル・ラガウォール リハビリテーション・インターナショナル








Brief notes from a meeting on 29 January, 2002, with Dr. Odile Frank, Chief, Social Integration Branch and Akiko Ito from the Disability Unit, both within the Division for Social Policy and Development.
Tomas Lagerwall, Rehabilitation International

The ad hoc meeting foreseen in the UN Assembly Resolution may be held in August preferably in New York. The Department for Social and Economic Affairs in New York wishes to work together with the Commission for Human Rights for a UN Convention.

The Division for Social Policy will prepare a document to the Assembly. It is assumed that disability issues will be on the agenda for the Assembly in October.

During the coming meetings of the Social Commission it is important to find out the opinion of the member states. There may be countries e.g. within the G 77, that don't want a convention that may commit them for domestic actions. Discussions about definitions are also anticipated. Some countries have earlier expressed the view that more UN conventions will weaken existing conventions. In the preparations for the Conference on elderly in Madrid, April 8 - 12, recommendations for international agreements have been discussed. This may weaken the work for a disability convention.

Concern was also raised that not enough resources will be set aside for the work for a Convention. Such resources will primarily have to come from members states.

Dr. Frank advised IDA to be in touch with member countries prior to or during the meetings in New York of the Social Commission.

Dr. Frank had the oppinion that there may not be a need for Special Rapporteur after Bengt Lindqvist. There may be other solutions. She had discussed this issue with Bengt.

I asked wether it would be possible for Odile Frank and Akiko Ito to meet with IDA. Dr. Frank didn't want to commit herself, but left the door open. Akiko Ito said it would be possible for her. February 18 is a UN holiday but both declared that they are likely to come to work as the session for Social Commission is actively working those days. Sunday, February 17 could also be a possibility for Akiko.


最終更新 2002年8月3日
財団法人 全日本聾唖連盟