

第1回IDPA(現IDA)会議 議事録

1999年2月2日 南アフリカ・ケープタウンにて開催

1. 歓迎のことば



2. 出欠の確認

障害者インターナショナル  ヨシュア・マリンガ:議長(ジンバブエ)
インクルージョン・インターナショナル  ドン・ウィルズ:会長(ニュージーランド)、ビクター・ウォールストレム(スウェーデン)
世界盲連合  ユークリッド・ヘリー博士:会長(カナダ)、キキ・ノードストレム:第一副会長(スウェーデン)
世界ろう連盟  リサ・カウピネン博士:理事長(フィンランド)、ラース・ウィクストレム:副会長(スウェーデン)
世界盲ろう連盟  スティグ・オルソン:会長(スウェーデン)、アンドレ・デヴェンター:役員(南アフリカ)
世界精神医療ユーザー連盟  レオニー・マンズ(オーストラリア)、メアリー・オーヘイガン(ニュージーランド)の代理

DPI マリア・ランソー
WFPU メアリー・オーヘイガン

SRF レナート・ノルテ,エリク・スターフ,
国連 ベンクト・リンドクビスト(障害特別報告者)

事務局 ウィリアム・ローランド博士:オブサーバー,事務局,専門家パネル
WBU バーバラ・マーイェラム
WFD ジーン・ルンドベルグ,ジャン・ルンドベルグ,ライリ・オジャラ,
WFDB ウラ・ブロムクビスト,リサ・ニルソン,ナオミ・ヴァン・ビューレン

3. 議事案の採択

・ 障害特別報告者の報告
・ 合同協力活動事業の名称
・ 諸組織の表明

4. 合同協力活動事業の背景


・ 諸国際障害団体代表は長い間,共通課題,たとえば北京会議前と会議中における性別差問題などのようにもっと緊密に連携して活動したい要望があった。
・ 別に懸念されることは,組織が国際諮問過程において権限なく他の団体のために発言するように依頼されていることがあった。
・ さらに,特別報告者は,共通の理解,構想と戦略のもとに,すべての組織が所属組織を代表して発言することができる最高のレベルで協同活動を行うことが望ましいと奨励している。例えば,世界人権宣言50周年が協同活動の焦点になった。


5. 特別報告者の説明






・ (国連構造が障害を取り入れるようにするために)何らかの行動を起こさない。
・ 現在の時期と同じような第三の時期を設けて継続する(最適の選択肢ではない)
・ 国連が資源を提供するという条件で,モニタリング機構を国連機構に統合する
・ 国連の中で一層恒久的な,構造化された協同活動・調整機構を作る(国連の内部と接点において) 例:事務局を置いた国際障害協議会
・ 自動的にモニタリング機構が盛り込まれるように「障害条約」の推敲を始める。
・ 第二国際障害者年を行う(専門家パネルは消極的である)
・ (人権の側面を強調し,ほかの短所を訂正するために)「基準規則」を修正する。
・ 別の「世界障害の十年」の宣言






6. 出席組織の表明
6.1 障害者インターナショナル





6.2 世界精神医療ユーザー連盟



6.3 世界盲連合


6.4 世界ろう連盟



6.5 インクルージョンインターナショナル



6.6 世界盲ろう連盟


7. 討議
7.1 合同協力活動事業計画の目標

本会議では,向こう2年間の協同活動事業計画の重要な目標を定め,事務局に対し,会員組織に回覧して承認を得るために,目標に関する文章を推敲するように指示した。(添付資料 A)

・ 変化をもたらすための影響力
・ 変化に反応する


7.2 予想される同計画の結果

2年間に終了した時点に予想される結果について,討議され,合意された。本会議では,事務局に会員組織に回覧して承認を得るために,推敲するように指示した。(添付資料 A)

7.3 同計画と専門家パネルとの関係


7.4 開発協力,障害と人権に関するアフリカセミナーに生じた問題




7.5 国連とその他の場における緊急的な問題
7.5.1 国連


・ 人権の向上 - 特別報告者の報告書が保留とされた場合に,障害は2000年に再度,国連人権委員会の議題となる。障害権利組織が同委員会への派遣代表に関する戦略を作ることは危機的に重要である。人権向上には,国連機関内に障害政策の策定,基準規則の改正と,できれば「障害の条約の採択」も含まれるべきである。
・ 貧困 - 国際障害権利運動は,障害と貧困軽減に関する明確な位置付けを定め,この位置付けを採用するように関係のある国連機関に要請する必要がある。これは,とくに過去のように失敗したことがあるので,重要である。
・ 世界銀行は,障害権利組織から,特に開発途上国からの権威ある意見を必要としている。「障害と開発に関する国際作業部会(DPI,国際リハビリテーション協会,インクルージョンインターナショナル,世界銀行)」という最初の世界支配的なグループは現在,この役割を担っているが,開発途上国の障害者の声を効果的に聞いていない。
・ 世界保健機関 - 特別報告者は,同機関と協力して,医療,リハビリテーション,援助サービスに関する実態調査を実施する予定である。一つは,地域社会に根ざしたリハビリテーションの評価である。過去に実施された実態調査や評価に障害者に意見を聞くことがなかったので,この評価においては,障害者団体の声を強くあげなければならない。

7.5.2 より広範な国際障害分野における同計画の位置づけ



CONGOは,国連オブサーバーの資格をもつすべての民間組織が集まった傘下組織である。民間組織がすべての人権活動に参加することができるように,国連で民間組織のために発言している。DPIがCONGOを代表する唯一の障害権利組織である。国際リハビリテーション協会は,障害に焦点をあてた別の唯一団体である。CONGO は3年か4年ごとに会議を開催し,人権に焦点をあてている。

国際リハビリテーション協会 (RI)


国際障害財団 (IDF)


国際障害協議会 (ICOD)



7.6  協力に関する組織的合意
7.6.1 事務局




・ 会議日程の調整と会議開催
・ 資料作成と配布
・ 議事録の作成と配布
・ 派遣代表の交通手段と宿泊の用意
・ スウェーデンのパートナーとの連絡
・ 重要機関との会議の準備

7.6.2 資金





7.6.3 情報交換


・ 議長と事務局に転送すること
・ 情報伝達にできるだけメールを活用すること
・ リンドクビスト氏のメールとともにすべての組織がメーリングリストを採用すること

7.6.4 代表の構成



7.6.5 同計画の名称

・ イニシアティブの名称に「国際障害者団体長同盟(IDPA)」とする。
・ 向こう2年間に6つの現在の組織に限定する。

7.6.6 国際障害会長同盟の議長


7.7 行動計画


8. 次回会議の日程



9. 閉会




Dr Euclid Herie welcomed all present, and the meeting confirmed his position as chair. He emphasised the importance of the project in facilitating collaboration and consensus within the international disability rights movement on common issues of importance. Dr Herie expressed appreciation to the Swedish organisations who have mobilised the necessary resources for the initiative, and noted the appropriateness of the inaugural meeting taking place on African soil.

Dr William Rowland with the assistance of Lidia Pretorius were confirmed as secretariat for the meeting.



Disabled Peoples' International Joshua Malinga - Chairperson (Zimbabwe)
Inclusion International Don Wills - President (New Zealand)Viktor Wahlstrom (Sweden)
World Blind Union Dr Euclid Herie - President (Canada)Kicki Nordstrom - First Vice President (Sweden)
World Federation of the Deaf Dr Liisa Kauppinen - President (Finland)Lars-Ake Wikstrom - Vice President (Sweden)
World Federation of the Deaf-Blind Stig Ohlson - President (Sweden)Andre v Deventer - Executive Committee (South Africa)
World Federation of Psychiatric Users Leonie Manns (Australia)alternate for Mary O'Hagan (New Zealand)


DPI Maria Rantho
WFPU Mary O'Hagan


SRF Lennart Nolte; Erik Staaf; Gunilla Svenberg (assistant)
United Nations Bengt Lindqvist (Special Rapporteur on Disability)

Support Staff

Secretariat William Rowland - observer, secretariat, Panel of Experts
WBU Barbara Marjeram
WFD Jean Lundberg; Jan Lundberg; Raili Ojala; Armand Kleinschmidt
WFDB Ulla Blomqvist; Lisa Nilsson; Naomi van Vuuren


The agenda was adopted as tabled with the following additions-
・ Briefing by the Special Rapporteur on Disability
・ Name for Joint Collaboration Project
・ Statements by Organisations


Kicki Nordstrom provided brief background information to the history of the collaboration project-

・ Representatives from various international disability organisations have for many years expressed the wish to work closer together on common issues, e.g. on gender issues before and during the Beijing Conference.
・ Another concern has been that organisations are often called upon to speak for others during international consultative processes, but with no mandate.
・ The Special Rapporteur has in addition encouraged collaboration at the highest level which would allow for all organisations to speak for themselves but with a common understanding, vision and strategies . The 50th Anniversary of the Declaration of Human Rights for example created a focal point for such collaboration.

SHIA, as a collaboration structure between the major disability organisations in Sweden who work in developing countries, motivated for financial support from SIDA to enable the international disability organisations to come together in order to develop common policies and strategies towards the next millennium. The initial frame of reference was collaboration between the four major disability rights organisations who have representation on the Panel of Experts, but this has since been expanded to six.


Mr Bengt Lindqvist expressed his appreciation for the opportunity to report to the meeting, in particular in the light of the fact that such a long over-due initiative had finally come about-

The Panel is an excellent example of the successes of collaboration and networking. The network established through the Panel of Experts and its collaboration with the United Nations has already created an informal alliance which has been able to influence governments.

The second monitoring period of the Special Rapporteur of the implementation on the Standard Rules is to continue until August 2000, when his current term expires, although the work might continue informally until December 2000. Future collaboration between the international disability rights organisations to ensure structured input into the UN system with the aim to maintain and increase UN action is therefore critical.

The Special Rapporteur will submit his final second term report to the UN Commission for Social Development by December 1999, and will also submit a report to the UN High Commission for Human Rights in March 2000.

These two reports will include recommendations regarding the monitoring mechanism and future action after the termination of the Special Rapporteur's term.

The main alternatives which have been identified by the Panel of Experts include
・ to do nothing (to allow UN structures to incorporate disability)
・ to continue for a third period similar to the present period (not an optimal alternative)
・ to integrate a monitoring mechanism into the UN system, provided the UN does make resources available
・ to create a more permanent and structured collaboration/coordination mechanism within the UN (internally, as well as an interface with UN), e.g. International Council on Disability with own secretariat
・ to initiate the elaboration of a Convention on Disability, which will automatically include a monitoring mechanism
・ to have a second IYDP (Panel not keen)
・ to revise the Standard Rules (to strengthen human rights aspects and address other shortcomings)
・ to declare another Global Decade on Disability
- Global Programme of Action; and/or
- Global Decade declared by UN with regional decades, e.g. for Africa; and/or
- Regions to have UN Decades of their own

It is however critical that there is no vacuum between the termination of the Special Rapporteur's second term and whatever follows thereafter.

The meeting noted that the present International Council on Disability (ICOD) is non-functioning and thatits continuation was undesirable.

The meeting furthermore noted that the joint collaboration project should have a very different mandate from the Panel of Experts, and that this needs more clarification.

Dr Kauppinen (WFD) reported that the WFD Board had discussed these issues during January, and that it supported more structured collaboration UN Agencies and the disability NGO's. The possibility of an International Council had however not been considered. The Asia Pacific strongly favoured a Convention. The Standard Rules had been discussed, as well as regional Decades, but a new IYDP was not supported.

Mr Joshua Malinga (DPI) noted that the idea of a Council as well as a Convention, the revision of the Standard Rules and regional Decades were strongly supported


6.1 Disabled Peoples' International

Mr Joshua Malinga presented a statement of support for the initiative on behalf of Disabled Peoples' International.

The DPI delegation is approaching the joint collaboration project with an open mind and the organisation is very supportive of the initiative. Members should however not shy away from the issues which create division within the disability rights movement, but should deal with these issues within a framework of honesty and trust. Collaboration should lead to co-operation, without jeopardizing the autonomy of any organisation. DPI would like to enter the millennium in this spirit.

International disability rights organisations should work in solidarity with organisations in Africa in particular, since Africa is a divided continent where disability is an issue of life and death. International collaboration within the broader context has too often been used as a tool to further divide the continent. The issue of supply of weapons to Africa for example needs to be placed high on the international disability agenda for intervention in the countries from which the weapons originate. The new economic order for the millennium is important, and the international disability movement needs to understand how international economies and politics are impoverishing Africa and contributing to the human rights violations on the continent.

Africa does not want to remain a recipient continent, as the continent can contribute significantly to the international disability rights movement with its expertise in mobilising and organising people with disabilities, advocacy etcetera. International disability organisations also need to play a more active role in donor countries to convince governments that Africa does not want charity, but development and empowerment, and that development co-operation focusing on disability therefore needs to be channeled through disabled people organisations.

6.2 World Federation of Psychiatric Users

Ms Leonie Manns made a statement on behalf of WFPU.

A network of psychiatric users exists across the world, but it is a struggling movement due to lack of support and the significant time which goes into local/national lobbying, leaving the international field bare. WFPU fully supports the project, and call on all international disability rights organisations to affirm psychiatric users within the broader disability world, and to work together towards more substantial representation of psychiatric users at all levels of collaboration between disability rights organisations.

6.3 World Blind Union

Ms Kicki Nordstrom presented the statement of support from the WBU. She however noted that although no consultation had taken place on this issue, this kind of collaboration had been discussed at the highest level before, which does provide some kind of mandate. The WBU is therefore fully supportive of the initiative.

Cooperation with bodies of the UN is important, and one might need to prioritise this, as the UN is a huge body and it is difficult to impact everywhere. Collaboration and coordination could however lessen the burden on individual organisations and save resources and increase visibility of the disability rights movement. It is also important that governments recognise the collaboration project, as they carry substantial powers in the UN system. Internal strength which this collaboration could bring about will increase visibility in decision-making on issues affecting people with disabilities.

6.4 World Federation of the Deaf

Dr Liisa Kauppinen expressed the WFD's support for the initiative, and noted that it was wonderful to have the opportunity to sit around the table to discuss common issues.

I have a number of issues in mind which need collaboration, discussion and debate. The most urgent issues to address together are to think about the continuation of our organisations after the Special Rapporteur's term is terminated, and what our relations with the UN should be. We need to look at different forms of collaboration. We have to show what we are doing and how effective collaboration is, e.g. WFD is conducting a human rights survey on the human rights of deaf people. When receiving the information, we will have reports on human rights violations. These violations need to be dealt with in collaboration with other organisations.

6.5 Inclusion International

Mr Don Wills expressed Inclusion International's appreciation to the Swedish organisations for taking the initiative.

Inclusion International welcomes this initiative, and has experienced the value of collaboration through the Panel of Experts. Participation on the Panel has tremendously contributed towards promotion of human rights within Inclusion International to the extent that the organisation is in the process of establishing a human rights desk. This desk will also be made available to other organisations.

6.6 World Federation of the Deaf-Blind

Mr Stig Ohlson noted that most countries were completely ignorant about the presence and situation of deafblind citizens. Where awareness does exist, it is often ignored. Tremendous resources and collaboration were therefore needed to promote and protect the human rights of Deaf-blind persons.


7.1 Objectives of the Joint Collaboration Project

The meeting adopted key objectives for the collaboration project for the next two years, and mandated the secretariat to refine these for circulation to and adoption by member organisations. (Annexure A)

It was noted that collaboration could include
・ either influencing change; or
・ reacting to change

If an impact is to be made, one has to be pro-active. This will necessitate circulation of papers inbetween meetings to provide the opportunity for collaboration and cooperation between organisations. New positions and alternatives could also be developed for either influencing or reacting to change. This will ensure that the voices of people with disabilities are heard more clearly, and that the disability rights movement becomes part of global processes.

7.2 Expected Outcomes of the Project

Expected outcomes by the end of the first two years of the project were debated and agreed upon. The meeting mandated the secretariat to refine these for circulation to and adoption by member organisations. (Annexure A)

7.3 Relationship between the Joint Collaboration Project and the Panel of Experts

The meeting emphasised the need to develop a clear vision for the joint collaboration project for the next two years to ensure that no confusion of roles occurs. The meeting agreed that the Panel of Experts should serve as an important lobbying tool for the joint collaboration project over the next two years.

7.4 Matters arising from the Africa Seminar on Development Co-operation, Disability and Human Rights

Participants at the Africa Seminar adopted the Cape Town Declaration which makes provision, amongst other things, for an African Decade of Disabled Persons to be declared from 3 December 2000 to 2010. PAFOD was requested to take the initiative as an NGO agency, and it was noted that it will be calling a meeting of all continental disability rights organisations on 12 March 1999 to follow up on the resolution.

The meeting further noted that it was critical that all international disability rights organisations supported this initiative both financially and in terms of human resources during the lobbying and implementation phases, and endorsed the initiative.

The Africa Seminar also identified the need for an economic initiative to ensure that poverty alleviation programmes will in future include disabled persons. It was resolved that the disability rights organisations collectively develop a common vision and strategy on poverty, e.g. by commissioning a common paper on poverty and disability which takes into consideration all the dynamics and nuances of the different disability groups.

7.5 Critical and Immediate Issues at the United Nations and in other Arenas

7.5.1 United Nations

Mr Bengt Lindqvist identified the following critical issues with regard to the United Nations-

・ Human Rights Promotion - Disability will in 2000 once again be on the agenda of the UN Human Rights Commission when the Special Rapporteur's report is to be tabled. It is critical that disability rights organisations develop a common strategy for representations to be made to the Commission. Human rights promotion should also include disability policy development within all UN agencies, the possible revision of the Standard Rules as well as the possibility of adopting a Convention on Disability.

・ Poverty - the international disability rights movement needs to develop a clear position on disability and poverty alleviation and advocate for the relevant UN agencies to adopt this position. This is particularly important as past efforts have failed dismally.

・ The World Bank urgently needs authoritative input from the disability rights organisations, and in particular from the developing world. A first world dominated group, called the International Working Group on Disability and Development (DPI, RI, Inclusion International, World Bank), is presently playing this role, but without the voices of disabled people from developing countries being effectively heard.

・ The WHO - the Special Rapporteur will be conducting a survey on medical care, rehabilitation and support services in partnership with the WHO. One of the components is an evaluation of CBR. It is imperative that the voices of organisations of disabled persons are heard very strongly in this evaluation, as this has not been the case in past surveys and evaluations.

The meeting noted that, although children's rights are a priority, significant attention is already being given to this group through the informal working group that was set up after the thematic hearings on Article 23 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child in October 1997. DPI, WFD, WBU, and Inclusion International are already represented in this working group which is chaired by Mr Bengt Lindqvist. This working group could be used as a tool to push forward a common agenda by the international disability rights organisations.

7.5.2 Positioning the Joint Collaboration Project within the broader international disability field

The meeting discussed at length the plethora of illegitimate disability organisations speaking for disabled people within the international arena. The view was expressed that this undermines the position of democratically elected international disability organisations. It was agreed that there is an urgent need to address the situation.


CONGO is an umbrella NGO body where all NGO's with UN observer status come together. CONGO tends to speak for NGO's at the UN to ensure that NGO's participate in all human rights activities. DPI is the only disability rights organisation represented in CONGO. Rehabilitation International is the only other disability-focused organisation within the forum. CONGO Congresses take place every 3-4 years and focus on human rights.

Rehabilitation International (RI)

Mr Malinga proposed that the joint collaboration project should send a clear message to RI, as RI does not appear to understand its mandate clearly. RI should be focusing on prevention and rehabilitation, and not on the equalisation of opportunities for persons with disabilities. There is therefore an urgent need for the international disability rights organisations to clarify RI's mandate.

International Disability Foundation (IDF)

The International Disability Foundation has tended to take over as the voice of disabled people internationally. IDF's current programme on the Standard Rules. The AAA programme tends to be controlled by IDF and not the disability organisations. Danida had made funds available with the idea that the DPO's would take responsibility for the programme eventually. Proposals are presently being made to Danida for the continuation of the AAA programme, even though the programme is not working very well. Caution was expressed regarding the taking over of a programmes which was already half-developed. It might be better to focus on collaborative advocacy.

International Council on Disability (ICOD)

The meeting expressed reservations and concern regarding ICOD, which continues to operate without a mandate as the voice of disabled people, and recommended that the structure be completely disbanded.

It was resolved that there is a need to develop a clear action plan and a clear strategy to position the Joint Collaboration Project in the international arena as the only legitimate collective voice of disabled people.

7.6 Organisational Arrangements for Collaboration

7.6.1 Secretariat

The meeting noted that Dr Rowland with the assistance of Lidia Pretorius had provided the secretariat for this meeting.

The meeting resolved that Dr Rowland and Lidia Pretorius should continue to provide secretarial support to the initiative. The local of the secretariat in Africa would send a significant political signal into the international community. Any actual costs incurred would be covered by the budget of the Joint Collaboration Project.

The Swedish partners through SRF will remain responsible for the financial and activity accountability to SIDA.

The mandate of the secretariat will be to
・ organise and coordinate arrangements for meetings
・ prepare and distribute documentation
・ record and distribute minute of meetings
・ arrange transportation and accommodation for delegates to meetings
・ liaise with the Swedish partners
・ arrange meetings with key agencies

7.6.2 Funding

The meeting noted that funding is limited. SIDA has contributed an amount of US$ 55 000 over two years to enable the international disability organisations to form a group, develop a working programme and develop collaboration mechanisms for the future. Member organisations are expected to contribute partly towards the cost of their delegates as far as possible. Criteria needs to be developed for financial support to delegates from member organisations.

Insufficient provision had been made for the cost of interpretation, personal assistance, etc.

The meeting resolved that the secretariat in collaboration with the Swedish partners revise the budget, and that secretariat costs be kept as low as possible.

The meeting furthermore noted that a mandate is needed from some organisations as to the extent to which they will cover the accommodation and travelling costs of their representatives.

7.6.3 Exchange of Information

The meeting noted that information becomes available from time to time to one or two organisations which is of critical importance to other organisations.

The meeting resolved that
・ all such information be forwarded to the chairperson and/or secretariat.
・ e-mail be used as far as possible to disseminate information, and that
・ all organisations include one another on their mailing lists together with Mr Bengt Lindqvist

7.6.4 Composition of Delegations

The meeting resolved that each organisation will be represented by the organisations' President, as well as another senior member of the organisation with a maximum of two representatives per organisation at the table. Attendance of observers and/or guests at meetings will be upon invitation and approval by the chairperson only.

The meeting furthermore resolved that the Special Rapporteur be invited to attend all meetings.

7.6.5 Name of Joint Collaboration Project

The meeting resolved
・ to name the initiative the International Disability Presidents Alliance (IDPA).
・ to limit the group to the present six organisations for the next two years.

7.6.6 Chairing of the IDPA

The meeting decided that the chair will rotate between organisations every six months, and that the World Federation of the Deaf will occupy the chair for the next six months until the conclusion of the New York meeting.


Ms Kicki Nordstrom emphasised the importance of reaching consensus early on in the project as to how the project will continue after the first two years of funding, as the report to SIDA should clearly state how the group is planning to proceed after the first two years. A budget therefore needs to be developed in addition to the SIDA seed-money.

The meeting resolved that all representatives obtain mandates from their respective organisations, and that the matter be dealt with in-depth at the next meeting.


It was resolved that the next meeting be held in New York in October 1999. A meeting should also be arranged with the Secretary General of the United Nations. A decision needs to be taken as to the members of the delegation to meet with the Secretary General and UN secretariat. A focal point of the IDPA meeting will be disabled women.

Mr Malinga offered the support of the Executive Director of DPI, Mrs Lucy Wong-Hernandez, in setting up the meetings in New York.


The chairperson thanked all those present for their contributions, and in particular the Swedish partners for their initiative and support. He re-emphasised the importance of working in collaboration with openness and respect.

Compiled by Dr William Rowland and Lidia Pretorius
February 1999
South Africa


最終更新 2002年8月3日
財団法人 全日本聾唖連盟